March 09-March 12, 2025

Mission: Thomas Downey High School is dedicated to continuing our tradition of excellence and promoting relevant learning environments, which allow students to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens. Our goal is for students to develop critical thinking skills and succeed in technologically advanced work.
Vistion: The vision of TDHS is students and teachers working in a safe and collaborative learning environment, allowing students to prepare themselves to succeed and pursue a variety of occupational opportunities of their choice.
WASC Report
During the current school year, Thomas Downey High School is engaged in a routine self-study of its programs, overseen by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). In collaboration with the California Department of Education (CDE), WASC ensures compliance with state curriculum guidelines and the adoption of state-approved textbooks and materials. The WASC/CDE Self-Study Report aims to affirm that TDHS staff utilizes effective instructional strategies and provides the necessary academic support for all students to thrive. This evaluation process actively involves input from various educational partners, including staff, students, parents, and community members. We will assess how effectively student success is being achieved through our revised student learning goals, known as the "Student Learning Outcomes." Our site-specific instructional norms and academic standards delineate what students should know and be able to accomplish by graduation. Evaluating our schoolwide strengths and areas for improvement will significantly aid our mission and vision to empower and prepare our students for a successful post-secondary life.
WASC Co-chairs
Nirona Samuel & Johanna Elms
Instructional Coach/Social Science Teacher
Thomas Downey High School