The Modesto City Schools IETS Help Desk will be open during summer Monday - Friday from 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM, effective from June 5th through July 14th. Offices will be closed on June 19th and July 4th due to holidays. We will be back to our normal scheduled hours of 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM starting Monday July 17th. Visit us at www.mcs4kids.com/helpdesk for more info!

Thinking about college? Sign-up for the PSAT exam. If you do well you could receive a National Merit Scholarship which also looks great on college applications. Modesto City Schools pays the test fees for all students in grade 11 to participate.
The test will be October 12. If you are interested in participating, see your college counselor. **Students in grades 9 and 10 can still participate but must pay their own test fees. More information can be viewed at: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt

Introducing our new mobile app, now available for iOS and Android! Head to your app store on your phone and download the 'Modesto City Schools' app to stay up to date on everything Modesto City Schools!

Modesto City Schools receives the ISTE Distinguished District Award for 2022! ISTE Distinguished Districts are US school districts that are moving the needle in big ways throughout a school system. These districts search out and embrace change to improve teaching and learning, and reach all students and serve as an example for other schools to follow.

MCS is converting almost half of our Diesel Fleet with Electric School Buses! Our goals is to reduce harmful emissions and air pollution around our students, and we are doing it a record pace of an anticipated completion time of 7 months or less!